Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) is diagnostic software required to communicate, diagnose and service electronically controlled Caterpillar engines and machines. When connected to an Electronic Control Module (ECM), a technician has the ability to diagnose existing and potential problems, configure the product and obtain data for analysis.
Cat ET features:
- View active and registered diagnostics.
- View events where irregularities occurred and were recorded by the ECM.
- View the status of a group of parameters (temperatures, pressures, etc.) simultaneously.
- Register and record performance data.
- Graph a group of state parameters.
- View the current configuration of an ECM.
- Change ECM configurations.
- Diagnostic tests.
- Calibrations.
- Print reports and diagnostic results.
Version: 2020A v1.0
Supported languages: English, Deutsch, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Indonesian, French
System requirements:
- OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- CPU: Intel/AMD Dual-Core or higher
- RAM: 2 GB of system memory
- Hard Drive: 5 GB of available space
- Required Hardware: CAT Communication Adapter
Flash files: ECM (Electronic Control Module) flash files for various U.S. Military models are included in the download package. Use the cross-reference table below to identify the correct flash file for your application. The flash files are cross-referenced by Caterpillar Serial Number Prefix, Caterpillar Model, Name/Military Model, and ECM Description. Note the appropriate flash file folder to locate the file. The Caterpillar serial number prefix is the first three (3) characters of the eight (8) character serial number. For Caterpillar Machines the serial number is the last eight (8) characters of the Caterpillar product Identification Number (PIN).
CAT ET Flash Files Cross Reference Table
Caterpillar Serial No. Prefix | Caterpillar Model | Name/Military Model | ECM Description | Flash File Part No. | |
1BW | 3126 | Engine LAV III | Engine | 160-8859 | |
4CW | 3126B | DEUCE Engine | Engine | 233-4472 | |
4DR | 3512B | Engine Marine Auxiliary NSSN (Virginia Class) | Primary | 194-9714 | |
Secondary | 194-9715 | ||||
ITSM | 194-9716 | ||||
VCM | 194-9717 | ||||
5KZ | D7R | Tractor Track-Type FTC | Powertrain | 191-5019 | |
6PZ | 3126B | Engine Truck FMTV (2.5 Ton) | Engine | 163-0528 | |
Engine | 224-4622 | ||||
7JZ | 3126B | Engine Truck FMTV (5 Ton) | Engine | 224-4623 | |
7RR | DEUCE | Tractor MTS, Powershift | Engine | 233-4472 | |
Powertrain | ----- | ||||
Monitor | 314-5002 | ||||
9BZ | 3456 | Engine Generator Set (EPG) | Engine | 325-5735 | |
9SM | C-12 | Engine MTVR | Engine | 220-4351 | |
Engine (Armored) | 557-4444 | ||||
Engine | 220-4352 | ||||
Engine (Armored) | 557-4455 | ||||
AAG | 3512B | Engine Marine Auxiliary Egyptian FFG | Primary | 212-4412 | |
Secondary | 212-4413 | ||||
AJ7 | 262D | Loader-Skid Steer | Machine | 583-6260 | |
BAG | 3508B | Engine Marine Auxiliary WLB | Engine | 348-0209 | |
BCY | C-12 | Engine Generator Set (200 TQG) | Engine | 300-4018 | |
EMCPII | 227-5905 | ||||
BDZ | 3126B | Engine Generator Set (100 TQG) | Engine | 300-4017 | |
EMCPII | 227-5905 | ||||
BS9 | C15 | P19R USMC ARFF | Engine | 465-3115 | |
CBS | 120M | Motor Grader AWD Army (Decatur) | AWD | 458-7141 | |
Transmission | 560-6324 | ||||
Monitor | 520-7338 | ||||
Master Implement | 520-2844 | ||||
Implement Slave | 385-5563 | ||||
Engine | 433-5670 | ||||
CBZ | D7R | Tractor Track-Type FTC | Powertrain | 191-5019 | |
DCD | 3126B | Engine Industrial Malabar | Engine | 215-7871 | |
DES | C18 | Marine AUX Genset | Primary Engine | 492-2757 | |
Secondary Engine | 492-2758 | ||||
EMCP4.2 | 550-2434 | ||||
DJT | D7R | Track Type Tractor-Navy | Engine | 369-8082 | |
Implement | 314-7803 | ||||
Monitor | 323-1271 | ||||
Powertrain | 490-7197 | ||||
Messenger | 334-2501 | ||||
DPG | 3456 | Genset Package DPGDS | Engine | 325-5735 | |
EBW | CX31 | Transmission Buffalo/ADVS | Transmission | 375-6387 | |
EEA | D7R | Track Type Tractor 2 XR | Powertrain | 490-7197 | |
Monitor | 323-1271 | ||||
Engine | 309-9698 | ||||
EEB | 924G | Loader - Light Type II 2.5 Yard M.P. | Engine | 260-3338 | |
Powertrain | 336-8928 | ||||
EMS | C-13 | Engine Stage III A | Engine | 373-4828 | |
EWF | IT28G | Integrated Tool Carrier - USAF 10K Forklift | Engine | 260-3307 | |
Powertrain | 336-9957 | ||||
Powertrain | 336-8928 | ||||
FFG | 3512B | Engine Marine Auxiliary FFG | Primary | 450-4488 | |
Secondary | 450-4489 | ||||
FML | C7 | Engine Truck FMTV (2.5 Ton) | Engine | 353-8652 | |
353-8654 | |||||
FMM | C7 | Engine Truck FMTV (5 Ton) | Engine | 353-8653 | |
353-8655 | |||||
FMW | 966H | Loader - Heavy Type I, 4.5 Yard Rock Heavy Type II, 5.0 Yard G.P. | HVAC | 523-4206 | |
Engine | 548-8452 | ||||
Monitor | 335-8382 | ||||
Transmission | 342-8581 | ||||
Implement | 329-2565 | ||||
GAN | 420E | Backhoe Loader - USMC Parallel Lift | Machine | 377-9312 | |
GEK | 420E | Backhoe Loader | Machine | 377-9312 | |
Engine | 348-2212 | ||||
HEG | 930K | Wheel Loader | Engine | 525-8464 | |
Machine | 577-8835 | ||||
Monitor | 548-8539 | ||||
Implement | 492-7296 | ||||
Display | 572-6566 | ||||
Caterpillar Serial No. Prefix | Caterpillar Model | Name/Military Model | ECM Description | Flash File Part No. | |
HMG | D6K | Tractor-Track Type Army | Engine | 443-8411 | |
Machine | 481-0227 | ||||
Machine/Slave (ECM Not supported after flashed) | 327-4449 | ||||
Messenger | 570-7709 | ||||
JEP | C-15 | Engine LVSR US Marine Corps | Engine | 323-5866 | |
JRT | C7 | Engine Stryker Non Certified | Engine | 552-3045 | |
KB9 | 289D | Skid Steer Loader | Machine | 583-6260 | |
KCC | 277C | Skid Steer Loader | Machine | 442-0047 | |
Monitor | 363-8112 | ||||
KDY | D7R II | Track Type Tractor. Series II, XR | Powertrain | 262-1613 | |
Monitor | 226-2885 | ||||
Engine | 263-5817 | ||||
Engine | 309-9698 | ||||
KJW | 621G | Military 621G Wheel Tractor Scraper | Engine | 428-9447 | |
Transmission | 469-2707 | ||||
Monitor | 454-0793 | ||||
KNA | D7R | Tractor-Track Type Army | Engine | 369-8082 | |
Monitor | 323-1271 | ||||
Powertrain | 490-7197 | ||||
Messenger | 334-2501 | ||||
KNA (Remote Control) | D7R | Tractor-Track Type Army (Remote Control) | Powertrain | 533-1392 | |
Implement | 533-1391 | ||||
Engine | 547-6931 | ||||
Engine-JP8 | 525-6440 | ||||
EMS | 533-1381 | ||||
Messenger | 533-1387 | ||||
KRA | C-15 | Engine Oshkosh HEMTT | Engine | 308-7254 | |
LEF | 3126E | Engine Crane Carrier Truck | Engine | 224-4626 | |
LFE | C9 | Engine Caiman | Engine | 522-0297 | |
LKW | 924H | Loader Type II 2.5 Yd MP | Machine | 434-3394 | |
Engine | 443-8402 | ||||
LPD | 3508B | Engine Marine Auxiliary LPD-4 | Primary | 237-5238 | |
Secondary | 237-5239 | ||||
MBH | 420D | Backhoe Loader - USMC BHL | Hyd Control | 251-4761 | |
MCP | CS-563E | Compactor Vibratory Soil | Engine | 260-3308 | |
MEP | C-18 | Engine HET | Engine | 362-0656 | |
MKT | 246D | USN Skid Steer | Machine | 583-6260 | |
Monitor | 383-7615 | ||||
MNG | C9.3 | LAV | Engine | 542-6578 | |
NAX | C-18 | Engine (Tier I) - INLS Propulsion Bow Thruster | Primary | 517-5176 | |
Secondary | 517-5177 | ||||
MPD | 394-2605 | ||||
NAX | C-18 | Engine (Tier II) - INLS Propulsion Bow Thruster | Primary | 517-5178 | |
Secondary | 517-5179 | ||||
MPD | 394-2605 | ||||
NAY | C-18 | Engine (Tier I) - INLS Propulsion Old Injectors | Primary | 517-5170 | |
Secondary | 517-5171 | ||||
MPD | 394-2605 | ||||
NAY | C-18 | Engine (Tier I) - INLS Propulsion | Primary | 517-5172 | |
Secondary | 517-5173 | ||||
MPD | 394-2605 | ||||
NAY | C-18 | Engine (Tier II) - INLS Propulsion | Primary | 517-5174 | |
Secondary | 517-5175 | ||||
MPD | 394-2605 | ||||
NCF | D6K | Tractor-Track Type Navy | Powertrain | 481-0227 | |
Monitor | 570-7709 | ||||
Engine | 443-8411 | ||||
Ripper/Winch | 285-2214 | ||||
Machine | 481-0227 | ||||
NEL | 621G | Military 621G Wheel Tractor Scraper | Engine | 428-9447 | |
Transmission | 432-8810 | ||||
Monitor | 454-0793 | ||||
NJD | 120M | Motor Grader AWD USMC (Decatur) | AWD | 458-7141 | |
Transmission | 560-6324 | ||||
Monitor | 520-7338 | ||||
Master Implement | 520-2844 | ||||
Implement Slave | 385-5563 | ||||
Engine | 433-5670 | ||||
NSB | 420F2 | Backhoe | Machine | 566-5539 | |
NSC | 3512B | Engine USCG National Security Cutter (WMSL) | EMCP 3.3 | 323-2264 | |
Primary | 462-3902 | ||||
Secondary | 462-3903 | ||||
MPD | 394-2605 | ||||
RTD Module | 517-2324 | ||||
Alarm Module | 297-8331 | ||||
PJB | 120M | Motor Grader AWD Navy (Decatur) | AWD | 458-7141 | |
Transmission | 560-6324 | ||||
Monitor | 520-7338 | ||||
Master Implement | 520-2844 | ||||
Implement Slave | 385-5563 | ||||
Engine | 433-5670 | ||||
PRM | C13 | Engine MRAP RG33 | Engine | 373-5030 | |
RC2 | C9.3 | 525 HP C9.3 | Engine | 465-6707 | |
RLG | C13 | 711 HP C13 | Engine | 514-6557 | |
RMF | C7 | Engine MRAP | Engine | 529-8685 | |
RMY | 120M | Motor Grader AWD Army (North Little Rock) | AWD | 458-7141 | |
Transmission | 560-6324 | ||||
Monitor | 520-7338 | ||||
Master Implement | 520-2844 | ||||
Implement Slave | 385-5563 | ||||
Engine | 433-5670 | ||||
RRH | C7 | Industrial Engine F35 Ground Power Unit | Engine | 382-7978 | |
RSB | 928H | Wheel Loader USAF 10K Forklift | Machine | 434-3394 | |
Engine | 443-8400 | ||||
TAK | 3516B | Engine Marine Auxiliary T-AKE | Primary | 291-8315 | |
Secondary | 291-8316 | ||||
TBB | CX28 | Transmission | Transmission | 416-1116 | |
TNY | 930K | USAF 10KATFL | Engine | 525-8464 | |
Machine | 577-8835 | ||||
Monitor | 548-8539 | ||||
Implement | 492-7296 | ||||
TRB | C-15 | Engine - Oshkosh PLS | Engine | 307-9793 | |
WEF | 279D | Skid Steer | Machine | 583-6260 | |
Monitor | 383-7615 |
Important notice: The program will be meticulously installed and activated remotely through a UltraViewer or AnyDesk session for your convenience. Upon the completion of your successful payment, you will promptly receive an email containing the download link along with comprehensive instructions. In the event of non-receipt, we advise checking your spam folder or reaching out to us promptly via the live chat feature accessible through the icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Rest assured, all our packages are securely stored in a MEGA premium account, ensuring an optimized download experience. Additionally, please note that if the installation process encounters any issues, you will be entitled to a full refund as part of our commitment to your satisfaction.
J*** –
Good product and service!